Summer school course Living with wood(s) (6ECTS) is a two-week intensive course studying the use of wood in designing living environments in balance with the nature. Forty-three students from ten universities around the world collaborated to produce design proposals for wood-based living spaces on the Otaniemi campus. The mission of the course was to explore sustainable ways to use forest both i their natural form and as an industrial resource, while promoting the well-being of humans and other species.
The ARTS Summer School was conceived as a platform where students and faculty from universities across the world could come together to address pressing global sustainable challenges.
The universities involved in the 2023 course include: The New School: Parsons School of Design, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Politecnico di Milano, Royal College of Art, École nationale supérieure de paysage, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and Delft University of Technology.